If one or more teeth are missing, implants can be placed in the jawbone as artificial tooth roots. Crowns, bridges or prostheses are attached to it. The high durability, comfort and aesthetic possibilities of this denture should be emphasized.
From single implants that supply a gap that is otherwise associated with a high loss of tooth substance in the neighboring teeth in the case of a bridge, to edentulous patients who are given implants for fixed dentures instead of a removable prosthesis. In any case, the quality of life increases, because we need our teeth several times a day.
A lot has also happened in the world of implants. Titanium implants are very well tolerated, durable and continue to be used with pleasure. There are now ceramic implants for the aesthetic front tooth area that are tooth-colored and just as stable with high aesthetics. We are happy to advise you on what is suitable for you.